Branding Guide

For the culminating assignment in one I my classes we had to make a brand guide for a company of our choosing. Me and my partner, Federico Linares, chose to create a guide for the fictional craft brewery, Big Buck Brewery, with the following description of the company:

Established in 1976, this Canadian company has been known for it’s high quality products and unique ingredients entirely grown on the owner’s ranch in Calgary, Alberta. They want an “emblem” design for their logo but are open to new concepts. Keeping a “classic” and “refined” feel to the brand is important. They would also like to see a label concept with the new logo design.

We opted to embrace the craft portions of the brewery, targeting our company to fit the beer enthusiast market. To create a cohesive look to the design we based a large amount of our aesthetics on the final version of our logo. To create the logo itself, we both came up with multiple sketches, had a meeting to compare them and pick one each to create a first draft in illustrator. We then met again, compared and consulted on the designs and presented both to the client (without informing them of which belonged to whom). And had one more period of adjustment to the design before making a final decision as to which one we were going to create. In the end the logo that was chosen was mine, however, we consulted a great deal on the final draft given in the brand guide, seen below:

big buck logo

The label was then created by my partner to match and the full brand guide and merchandise completed. The guide itself was made in Indesign; the logo and label were created in Illustrator and the merchandise was created in Photoshop. The full guide is below:

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